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Crinan Barn Project

PJB have successfully completed works on The Crinan and Mayfield Barn projects in Long Crendon.

The barns were the vision of Stuart Barr, Founder and Director of The Barr Group alongside Holland and Green Architects and us offering detailed design advice on the external envelope.

Stuart wanted to create a seamless line between roof and wall cladding with a concealed membrane lined gutter system. Euroclad’s Vieo system was selected but their standard details did not achieve the necessary look. Similarly, traditional zinc products did not offer the aesthetic he was looking for.

We set about producing a sample eaves detail by cutting and hand folding to produce the desired effect whilst remaining completely watertight. This was one of the most important external details to Stuart and one that wouldn’t be compromised. The final effect can be seen in the photographs below.

Crinan Barn was recently featured in Enki Magazine and a recent post on the Stuart Barr journal.

A full set of project photographs will appear on our ‘Projects’ page in due course.



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